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Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Unlock Your Complimentary Cyber Risk Assessment & Cyber Awareness Training Course for 10-Days

Empower Your Team with Essential Cybersecurity Skills in Just 30 Minutes

Benefits of Cyber Awareness Training

  • Enhance Cybersecurity Knowledge: Equip your team with the latest cybersecurity knowledge to identify and prevent potential threats, safeguarding your business's valuable data.

  • Real-World Applications: Learn from documented stories of cyberattacks on businesses similar to yours, providing practical insights into avoiding common pitfalls.

  • Expert-Designed Content: Gain access to high-quality videos created by cybersecurity experts, ensuring your team receives relevant and up-to-date information.

  • Improve Team's Cyber Hygiene: Foster a culture of cyber awareness within your team, encouraging safe online practices that protect both personal and company data.

  • Quick and Efficient Learning: With short, impactful videos, your team can enhance their cyber skills in under 30 minutes, making it a perfect fit for busy schedules.

  • Certificate of Completion: Earn a Certificate of Completion to demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity, which can be beneficial for meeting cyber insurance requirements.

Benefits of Complimentary Cyber Risk Assessment

  • Tailored Risk Insights: Receive a personalized assessment of your business's current cyber risk profile, helping you understand specific vulnerabilities.

  • Actionable Recommendations: Get actionable advice on how to improve your cybersecurity posture, prioritizing the most critical areas for immediate action.

  • Enhance Cyber Resilience: Use the insights from the assessment to strengthen your defenses against cyber threats, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks.

  • Compliance and Insurance: Identify any gaps in compliance with industry standards and better prepare your business for cyber insurance applications.

  • Strategic Security Planning: Leverage the assessment findings to inform your cybersecurity strategy, ensuring resources are allocated effectively to protect against identified risks.

  • Peace of Mind: Gain confidence in your cybersecurity measures with a comprehensive understanding of where you stand and how you can improve.

Cybercrime is up 400%

The impact on small business might surprise you.

Checkout these common misconceptions small business owners have so we can help you understand the value of cyber awareness training and protection.



Small businesses aren't targets of cyberattacks.

Small businesses, which often lack the technology and personnel to prevent cyberattacks, are increasingly becoming targets.  In fact, employees of smaller organizations were more likely than those in large to be hit by email threats like spam, phishing and malware.

Small businesses that use anti-virus software, firewalls and other security products are protected from cybercrime.

Small businesses often lack the resources or expertise to keep these products up-to-date and functioning at their best, or to act on alerts that do occur.  Plus, sophisticated phishing and email attacks can often bypass these systems.

Malicious malware accounts for most data breaches

Actually 85% of data breaches are due to human error and system failure.  Phishing and social engineering continue to be the leading causes of data breaches among small and mid-size businesses.  Remote work has only made the problem worse - with 50% of small businesses surveyed reporting that remote workers haven't been provided with cybersecurity training. 

Source: Ponemon Institute

Most small businesses will recover from a cyberattack.  

Unfortunately, many small businesses don't have the resources to recover from a cyberattack.  Loss of business income, customer compensation, ransomware payment, forensic investigation and litigation expenses are among the many expenses which can prove to be too much.

Real-Life Hacks:

Insurance Agency - The Phishing Email

Dive into a phishing scam's impact on a Texas insurance agency, highlighting the crucial role of cyber insurance in crisis management and the importance of proactive measures like cyber awareness training and anti-phishing tools to prevent cybersecurity breaches.

Realtor - The Domain Scam

Explore a cautionary tale of a Texas realtor impacted by a domain scam, emphasizing the essential need for proactive cybersecurity measures to fend off advanced cybercriminal threats and secure your valuable digital assets.

Cyber Awareness Training

Explore the motivations and methods behind cyber attacks. This eye-opening video gives you a hacker's perspective on vulnerabilities in business security.

Why Did We Hack You?

Delve into the techniques used in successful cyber attacks. This video demonstrates the common weaknesses exploited by cyber criminals.

Here's How I'll Hack You?

Course Overview

Dive into our Cyber Awareness Course, a compact series of 22 quick and impactful videos covering cybersecurity basics, real-life cases, and key policies and procedures, all in under 30 minutes. Completing the course earns you a Certificate of Completion, showcasing your achievement and bolstering your cyber insurance credentials by highlighting your proactive approach to cybersecurity training. This step is crucial for strengthening your organization's defense against cyber threats, offering a straightforward path to enhanced cyber readiness.

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Course Curriculum

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Complimentary Cyber Risk Assessment

Non-Intrusive Scan:

Benefit from a comprehensive yet non-intrusive scan of your website domain, meticulously designed to identify publicly exposed vulnerabilities. This includes compromised credentials, dark web findings, network issues, and other potential security risks that could be exploited by hackers.


​Quick and Easy Sign-Up: Registering for your complimentary cyber risk assessment is straightforward and takes only 30 seconds. We require only minimal details to get started, ensuring the process is not lengthy or cumbersome.

Unlock 10 Days of Complimentary Cyber Awareness Training

  • Exclusive Content: By signing up for our complimentary cyber risk assessment, you'll gain immediate access to 10 days of our premium Cyber Awareness Training video library. This exclusive access is designed to kickstart your journey towards a more secure digital presence for your business.

  • Practical, Actionable Advice: Each video is crafted to provide practical advice that can be immediately applied to your operations, enhancing your team's ability to recognize and respond to cyber threats.

  • Earn a Certificate of Completion: Participate in our Cyber Awareness Training during your free access period and qualify for a Certificate of Completion. This certificate not only serves as a testament to your proactive stance on cybersecurity but can also support your cyber insurance application process.

  • No Obligation: The 10-day free access is offered with no obligation to purchase or continue beyond the trial period. It's our way of demonstrating the tangible benefits our training can bring to your organization.

  • Seamless Transition: If you find the training beneficial and wish to continue enhancing your cybersecurity defense, options for extended access will be made available at the end of your trial period.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify for the 10-day free access to the Cyber Awareness Video Library?  Simply sign up for our complimentary cyber risk assessment. Once completed, you'll automatically gain access to our premium video library for 10 days.


What will the cyber risk assessment cover?

The assessment provides a non-intrusive scan of your website domain to identify vulnerabilities, compromised credentials, network issues, and more, giving you insight into areas of potential risk.


Is there any obligation to purchase after the 10-day free access?

Absolutely not. The 10-day free access is offered with no obligation to purchase. It's our way of demonstrating the value our cyber awareness training can bring to your organization.


What happens after the 10-day free access period ends?

After your free access period ends, you'll have the option to subscribe for continued access to our video library and other resources to keep your organization protected against cyber threats.


Will the cyber risk assessment disrupt my website's operation?

No, the assessment is designed to be non-intrusive and will not disrupt your website's operation. It scans for publicly exposed information without affecting your site's functionality.


How quickly can I start the cyber awareness training after signing up?

You can start the training immediately after your cyber risk assessment sign-up is complete, we will email your login access to the video library.


Is the training suitable for all levels of technical expertise?

Yes, our training is designed to be accessible for participants of all technical backgrounds, focusing on practical advice and insights that can be applied regardless of your prior knowledge.


Is the training suitable for all levels of technical expertise?

Yes, our training is designed to be accessible for participants of all technical backgrounds, focusing on practical advice and insights that can be applied regardless of your prior knowledge.


Is this course for me and my team?

Choose this course if you're aiming to enhance your and your team's cyber awareness. With a decade of experience in cybersecurity, I've encountered numerous lengthy and outdated cyber awareness trainings. Our course stands in stark contrast: it's up-to-date, concise, and designed for maximum impact, helping to better safeguard your business. Across 22 videos, we cover essential cybersecurity basics and provide insights on what to look for in your daily operations to protect your business effectively.

Begin Your Free Assessment Insurance Training

Get Started Now: Begin Your Free Assessment

Submit the form, and we’ll email your training login information immediately. Expect your comprehensive risk assessment report within 24 hours after submission.

Your Guide

Jay is here to be your guide through the intricate world of cyber awareness training and preventative solutions. An experienced  cyber expert, insurance guru, and "dadpreneur," Jay prides himself on building businesses with good people and using his broad experience to assist others. He has worked closely with hundreds of small business owners, helping them to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, insurance, and business development.


Beyond his professional life, Jay cherishes time spent with his kids and enjoys soccer, running, golfing, and surfing.

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